Monday, August 28, 2006


Students in 3rd through 5th grades will learn the proper technique of the throw this week. The throw will be broken down into 4 parts: The side turn, the ball behind head, the slide step, and the twist and throw. Students will be assessed and helped by throwing without the ball and with the ball. Throw emphasis will be to get a low and powerful throw, like a baseball pitcher. After the practice time, we will use our skills to play "Target Ball". Six teams of two or three students, each with a crate of tennis balls, will take aim and throw to a large target, trying to hit it or knock it down. Students will go one at a time to make sure they are still using the proper technique but the short line will almost move non-stop. After this game, we will regroup for the same game but all students will throw constantly from their crate of balls to the new target, a bowling pin.
Students in Kindergarten through 2nd grades will continue last weeks lesson beacuse of the K-2 wheel. On Thursday they will start throwing. The same lesson will be taught to second grade using the four steps, groups will have only 2, and the targets will be closer. Kindergarten and first grades will being throwing by learning their throwing hand and starting the throw by turning the correct way. Students will throw for power and distance and then aim at bowling pins about 15 feet away. Everyone will thow together so students will gets lots and lots of throwing attempts!

Friday, August 18, 2006


Our 2nd through 5th grades will continue working on cooperation and group games/activities. We will review our lines and spots, do some stretching and then do a "Run 4 the Stars". This will explained in detail to your children but every PE day, our students will do something physical for the first five minutes of class, most of the time a different type of run/walk. They will be given a challenge to meet and if they succeed, they will get a star. At the end of the year, the two or three students in each class with the most stars will get a "Star Award".
Upon completion of the "Run 4 the Stars" we will jump into small groups of 4 and play "Circle Tag", one student, the tagger, tries to tag the taggee, but the taggee is linked in a circle with two other students, the protectors. They turn circles and hold on tight to keep that tagger from tagging the taggee, taking turns in each position. Next, we will change into groups of 3, so that they will be with all new teammates. They will play "Circle Tag" this time with only one protector. We will switch group again to groups of 5 or 6 (only in 2nd grade) and play "Hoop Line" where students must try to pass a hoop down their line linked by holding hands without busting the line. There may be a race involved! "Circle Toss" with groups of 7 or 8 will follow, students will keep a circle and they must throw the ball to each person one time but can never throw it to anyone beside them. If time is left, "Club Grab" and/or "Scramble" will be played at the end.
Kindergarten and first grades will use the parachute once again. Students will practice sitting on their blue warm-up spots by playing "Switch Spots". "Dog Tails" will follow where half the class are dogs holding a long rope for their tails. The Dog Catchers will chase them and step on their tails to transform themselves into dogs. The dogs will of course become the Dog Catchers. A few Parachute games will ensue and a "Snow Ball War" will end class!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Grades K through 5 will be learning the PE rules, grading guidelines and other necessary information for the upcoming school year. Of course we have to make it fun and active so we have several activities planned to integrate into learning those rules. We will start class with some "Parachute Games" like: waves, building a tent, the igloo, and the magic carpet. Jumping out of parachute games, our 2nd through 5th grade classes will be assigned a warmup line position, commonly called spots. To create a little team building within our class, students will be asked a series of questions where they will have to correspond with the other students in the class to sit with their classmates who answer the questions the same! Then, we will practice going back to our spots (to see if we remembered) and then jump quickly into a few more parachute games. These will include merry go round, parachute pass, over under, and popcorn. If there is time, we will get locomotor active and end with some "5 Corners".