Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Grades K through 5 will be learning the PE rules, grading guidelines and other necessary information for the upcoming school year. Of course we have to make it fun and active so we have several activities planned to integrate into learning those rules. We will start class with some "Parachute Games" like: waves, building a tent, the igloo, and the magic carpet. Jumping out of parachute games, our 2nd through 5th grade classes will be assigned a warmup line position, commonly called spots. To create a little team building within our class, students will be asked a series of questions where they will have to correspond with the other students in the class to sit with their classmates who answer the questions the same! Then, we will practice going back to our spots (to see if we remembered) and then jump quickly into a few more parachute games. These will include merry go round, parachute pass, over under, and popcorn. If there is time, we will get locomotor active and end with some "5 Corners".