We will begin our second week of fitness testing Tuesday, September 3. Most classes in second through fifth grades have completed the mile run and pull ups, some even have started their sit ups. These grades will definitely finish the sit ups and sit and reach by the end of the wheel, which will be the middle of next week. We have a day off on Friday so no test that day. If some students missed the mile run, there will be a make up day next week. Please continue to bring water. Encourage your child to give the test the best attempt they are able to give. Unfortunately, kindergarten, first and second grades were only able to complete the running test. They will be doing the test for an extra week.
Third through fifth grades will begin "Volleyball" when the next whelll starts next week. This unit will be for three weeks. Look forward to learning lots of great skills and volleyball strategies!
Monday, October 02, 2006