Tuesday, December 12, 2006


After practicing a week of kicking, students have been rewarded with two weeks of soccer. This is actually not normal soccer but "Two Ball Soccer". The rule changes are as follows: two balls in play at all times, no out of bounds on the side, no out of bounds on the ends, only stops of play on hand ball and fouls. This is another good opportunity for students to learn how a referee impacts a game. The ball never stops unless blown dead by the referee (me). Sportsmanship and teamwork are emphasized to keep a fun flow in the game. A small meeting with each team at the beginning talks about the importance and responsibility of the goalie, defense, and offense.

Kindergarten and first grade continue to practice the power kick on the ground then will play "Circle Number Ball". Students stand on a pre-set spot and colors and numbers are called, cuing students to race to the middle of the circle to get a ball and do some skill. Second grade will learn the punt. It will be introduced and then practiced in partner groups. After some practice time, these groups will punt over the soccer goal and then keep score. Cues for the punt include; dropping the ball 9not throwing it), drop and kick at the same time, and drop the ball forward to meet the foot.