Thursday, January 17, 2008


(January 14 - 17, shortened week)
2nd - 5th grades
A...3rd through 5th grades will continue "Paddle Ball". We will review the rules of "Paddle Ball" and then describe how to play singles. Games will be played to 5 and we will play "winner stays" format. Students will learn how to call"game" and where to stand to wait to get in a game. Students who are waiting to play are encouraged to help keep score, help call in/out, and not interfere in games. 2nd grade will practice their PR then work with a partner for one bounce hitting before coming to the nets and learning more about "Paddle Ball" rules. They will practice on nets the last 5 - 10 minutes.
B...4th and 5th grades will be introduced to tournament play. Two large tournament brackets will be kept by the teacher and students will be responsible for reporting scores and playing games. Those students that exit a tournament can sign up to play in additional tournaments as well. There will be multiple tournaments occurring at the same time. 2nd grade will be introduced to singles "Paddle Ball" and will learn about the "winner stays" format before playing the last 10 - 15 minutes of class.
K - 1st grades
A...Students will do a fun run to music around the court, either running, jogging, skipping, or walking. They will receive a hoop and be challenged to do several hoop skills. Students will receive 5 minutes free hooping to music, challenged to perform their best skills and work on skills they find difficult. Next students will put hoops up and put on a flag belt. Rules for "Flag Tag" will be given: boundaries are the edge of the court, can pull off anyones flag if flag is still on, out if flagg comes off, can get back in as soon as flag is put back on. Music is played!
B...Students will do another fun run to music around court, music stops and movement will be changed. A hoop is given out, students will be challenged to do skills, then free hooping for 5 minutes. We will do a few parachute games and then regroup for another "Flag Tag" game to music.