Wednesday, January 30, 2008


2nd - 5th grades
A...The first day of PE this week will see the introduction to rackets. We will have our first "tennis pre-test" as students take the test in their line groups. Questions will lead students to become more familiar with a few common racket/paddle sport rules and learning about tennis major tournaments (in the midst of the Australian Open). Student will start with their own racket, as we received a large grant this year and bought 50 new tennis rackets. Students will go through similar skills as the paddles, becoming familiar with striking a ball farther away from the hand. Our oringinal plan was to use the soccer field and play "Soccer Tennis", hitting balls across the field and into the goal, but the field is under water...RAIN!! We modified the game to use the court and hit a LOT of tennis balls back and forth across the court to partners and just across the court in general.
B...The second day of tennis we jumped right into tennis rackets, warming up with individual skills. We stressed importance of keeping the head of the racket square to strike the ball and follow through straight ahead, rather than baseball swing style. We partnered up and hit tennis balls across the court to our partners, attempting to set our partners up with good shots they could hit back. Boxes of balls were spread along the edge of the court so students would not have to chase balls to the sides and chance getting hit! Next we remained in the same location and took away the partner aspect and just hit any ball that came into your area.

K - 1st grades
A...The younger students will get to experience the use of paddles and rackets for this one week! We will begin by talking about paddles and rackets then everybody will get a paddle and whiffle ball. Individual skills will include: balancing the ball on the paddle, hitting the ball straight into the air, hitting the ball up letting bounce then hitting up again. This last skill will see students otivated to hit the ball high and straight. Students will then work with a partner to hit and bounce back and forth! Not easy! Students will get 5 minutes free racket time.
B...Students will warm up with the paddles then get a racket. Racket safety will be discussed and we will do the same skills as with the paddles last time. Emphasis and style will be directed at keeping the head parallel to the ground to hit straight up. We will hit up very high with the rackets, both under the covered court (slamming it into the roof) and in the grass (up high into the sky).