Tuesday, March 04, 2008


(Students will have one day of PE this week)

3rd - 5th grades
A... Students will participate in two stations. Every person will play "Home Run Derby" for half the class and "Hockey" for the other half. At the batting game, students will be introduced to batting, reviewing stance and hand placement. In groups of two will each have a batting area where a batter can hit 5 balls from a tee or self-toss to the field. Points will be kept by each group depending on where each ball lands in relation to markers in the field (single is 1 point...home run is 4 points). The fielder will retrieve balls and once 5 balls have been found, he/she moves to the tee area after the batter places the bat on the ground. Hockey will involve groups being introduced to the hockey strike and how to avoid potential safety concerns with high sticking. Students will advance balls to score continuous goals with soccer balls for easy movement.

K - 2nd grades
A... Some classes will not get to use the hockey sticks. Most classes in these grades will only be batting. Student will strike in groups of 2 to 3 much like the 3rd through 5th grades. Emphasis will be placed on stance and foot position combined with hand placement on the bat. Striking in these grades will be done off the tee.